ATLANTA, GA: Among fierce debate over which bathrooms transgendered people can use, Chick-Fil-A is considering not serving them at all of their locations.
Chick-Fil-A’s media spokesman Jeff Winehouse spoke with NBC’s Jarod Peely, saying:
“We are known for our conservative values, so this shouldn’t come to a surprise for anyone. But we are really considering banning anyone who can’t figure out their own gender. This includes those who are confused about their own gender as well. America’s core values are toppling more and more each day, and we are not going to stand idly by as our wonderful nation rips apart at the seams. I hope all openly Christian businesses follow suit.”
This statement has sparked fierce criticism, and only adds to the already tremendous debate between Americans regarding transgender rights.
DW Trantham, Courageous Trans Teen, Stands Up For Her Bathroom Rights and Finds Community Support
Sheryl Whitman, the mother of the transgender teen who was recently refused service at a Dallas area Chick-Fil-A had this to say about the statement:
“This is so sad. My beautiful perfect daughter was made a mockery of in front of an entire restaurant full of people. I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone.”
We will be updating this article as more information is released from Chick-Fil-A regarding the progress of their new policy.
What do you think? Is it right for Chick-Fil-A to refuse service to transgendered people? Let us know in the comments below.